Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma!

"You're never to old to learn," she said, when I shared a new idea. It might be about the way she was doing something that she had done a certain way all her life, but she was receptive to ideas, even from a young granddaughter.

She learned to speak perfect English when she came to America as a young adult with her family.
She even attended college, and yet, all her life she subscribed to and read a newspaper in her native Norwegian.

The "Judge" (I knew him as Grandpa), an elected county judge for thirty-five years, was certainly a life-long learner too.

On October 18, her birthday, I especially celebrate the heritage of my grandparents and my parents who were "never to old to learn."

The three-year-old in the photo below is me. Now, seventy-some years later, not too old to keep on learning new things, new ideas, new ways of doing and thinking.
I have been blessed.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Half Moon Bay Marathon & Half / Part 2

Scenes, Spectators, Volunteers

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Half Moon Bay Marathon & Half

September 29, 2013


Magnificent Marathon and Half Marathon Course

Delightful volunteer medal presenters

Almost finished


See also Don's blog on the Half Moon Bay Marathon: